Can You See The Future

Can You See The Future

The project’s aim is to provide financial support for refugee livelihoods and education, while also raising awareness. Furthermore, it seeks to engage volunteer university students interested in supporting the education of refugee children. SGDD-ASAM, with the slogan “Can you see the future?” strives to break down prejudice against refugee children and illuminate their path forward.

At the outset of the project, we began by using the most characteristic poses of the individuals who inspired us as reference poses. This approach was aimed at creating associations and making it easy for people to recall these poses. Subsequently, we initiated photo shoots on the streets of Urfa. To have some selected children replicate the characteristic poses of the scientists we had taken as references, we guided them accordingly.

Albert Einstein'ın verdiği iconic dil çıkarma pozu taklit eden bir sığınmacı çocuğun üzerine tebeşir çizimleri ile yapılmış bir hayal dünyası görseli.